Monday, August 30, 2004

EWWWWWW!!!!!!! I think it was a big drinking weekend. My son missed out on a playdate because his little friend's dad was recovering. Apparently my neighbor's husband was in bed vomiting till 5 p.m. on Saturday after a lively night of margaritas. Another friend went to see her husband's band play and doesn't remember the act he opened for. Dearest Lynn was quite the sweet, gentle drunk and hostess - a double-header! on Friday night.

Me? I can't seem to let go. I'm drinking some, but not losing control. Maybe it is because my husband is sick, maybe because I was helping other people have fun, maybe because the hurricanes have me all in a tizzy, maybe because I can hold my liquor like a man. Finally. After years of practice. That's me, cheap date no more.


Belle said...

I neglected to mention my friend H.'s sidewalk-hugging, vomit-tossing, big hair-raising evening at the Berkley. Supposedly, there was a full moon?

Belle said...

Oops...just re-read and I did mention her, but not the fun sidewalk embrace. Whoa!