Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Day means only one thing to me: Andre Agassi. You GO Andre! Oh, and also hurricanes (we've had our share, which only makes me more appreciative of the hardship of those affected by Katrina. Hmmm. Maybe Pres. Bush should ride out the next big one?), and also my husband's birthday.

He's 40 today. We've spent almost half of his life together. A more calm, cool, collected, canny and clever guy you will not meet. To say I am proud of him, to say that I am wildly in love with him, to say that I enjoy basically every minute we spend together - well, these are all goofy things to say. But they are true. He drives me crazy, but truly, for a majority of his 40 years he has done nothing but inspire people, champion the truth and the ethical way, and quietly become a man of substance, devotion, and a really bizarre sense of humor.

Happy Birthday, Beanie.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

so dear - just like your man